Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pumpkin Slime

Sean and I were out shopping one day and he saw these big pumpkins and begged me to get one. I decided I could make a homemade fresh pumpkin pie with it. So, we took one home (plus two small ones for him and sister to decorate) and proceeded to empty out the contents of the pumpkin. At first I tried to have him use his hands to dig the seeds and goo out, but that didn't last long...did you know that after a while pumpkin slime kind of stings your hands? So, I gave Sean a scoop and he went after it, making funny faces the entire time. It was so funny, I had to take a few pictures. Unfortunately this wasn't my nice camera. So, the pictures aren't very nice, but it saved the memories just as well...

By the way, I found out later, after I had begun the process of making the pie, that the small pumpkins are better suited for pies. The big ones...not so much. However, I just had to puree the pulp like crazy and add a little bit more sugar and cinnamon and the pie turned out great....especially piled high with whipped cream. Yum!

1 comment:

  1. You're amazing! I would never even think to try something like that! I bet Sean loved getting all pumpkin-y :).
