Friday, August 22, 2014

Both Hands

Travel to go pick up our girl is getting close. We find ourselves somewhat overwhelmed with the tasks remaining that we need to do in order to be prepared to do that. There's more paperwork to do, Visas to apply for, fees to pay, rooms to organize, a room to paint, baby/toddler and travel items to purchase and packing to start to get done, because you just don't wait until the week before to pack to travel half way across the world. So, we've found ourselves a bit like, "where do we begin?!?. Oh! I'm exhausted just thinking about it. I think I'll go lay on the couch." But, seriously, it kind of snuck up on us. But, I know we'll eventually get it all done. Just gotta focus on one task at a time, as hubby says. :o)

We've also been working on one last final fundraiser. At least, that's our hope. It is called the Both Hands Project. Both Hands is an organization that helps families fulfill both mandates of the scripture James 1:27 "27 Pure religion, undefiled before God and the Father, is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." The concept is to choose a widow to serve for a day. Gather a team together to help you work on her home, doing painting, yard work, cleaning, organizing, etc. Members of the team also send out sponsorship letters to ask family and friends to sponsor them to be on the team. It works kind of like a fundraising golf tournament or 5k run.
So, we've been working toward doing a project on August 30th. We have an awesome widow we are serving for a day. And all sponsorship funds raised will go toward helping to bring our Carissa girl home. It's actually pretty exciting. I'm really excited about helping out Rita with all the "honey do" projects around the house that she has been unable to do herself or afford to hire someone to do since losing her husband 4 years ago.
So, if you click on the attached link, you can see our donation page. Please take a look and help if you can. If not, please share the link with friends and family that you may think will be interested in helping out.
Thank you!

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